Wednesday Work!

Thank you for all your presentations today. You have come up with some fun and interesting experiments to do in the lab!

Contagion screening

7pm at RKC 103. Please write about at least 3 concepts you see in the movie that we have discussed in class and write 1 question you have about the science in the movie. Enjoy the movie, see you there!

Journal Club

Tomorrow you will be presenting your assigned genome sequencing paper (Influenza, TB, Hemp, Economics) tomorrow in groups. Be prepared to teach your paper to your classmates.

Proposal Review

You will be assigned 3 proposals to read and review. I will send you an email with a table that shows which proposals you have to review and whether you are Primary (1), Secondary (2) or Tertiary (3) reviewer for that proposal.

As the “Primary” reviewer for the paper, please write a paragraph (200 words at least) giving a summary and your review of the proposal. Please provide positive and constructive feedback about the proposal. Support and defend your statements. Also provide a score for each category and the final score (average of the score you gave for each category). As the “Secondary” reviewer write a sentence and give a score. As “Tertiary” reviewer just give a score.

When you score- give a score under each category and then take the average of all your scores excluding the final score (to get the average, add up the score from each category and divide by the number of categories). This number (your final score) should fall under the score possibilities for the Final Score. Make it clear what your individual category scores and final scores are.


Final score:

Outstanding                                       3.5- 5.0

Acceptable, but low priority         2.5- 3.5

Rejected                                              0.0- 2.5



Outstanding                                       3.5- 5.0

Acceptable, but low priority         2.5- 3.5

Rejected                                             0.0- 2.5



Outstanding                                       3.5- 5.0

Acceptable, but low priority             2.5- 3.5

Rejected                                             0.0- 2.5



Outstanding                                       3.5- 5.0

Acceptable, but low priority             2.5- 3.5

Rejected                                             0.0- 2.5



Outstanding                                       3.5- 5.0

Acceptable, but low priority             2.5- 3.5

Rejected                                             0.0- 2.5


Credibility (references):

Outstanding                                       3.5- 5.0

Acceptable, but low priority             2.5- 3.5

Rejected                                             0.0- 2.5


Final Score

(add all scores and divide by 5)



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